Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a collection of questions that are asked frequently. Let us know if you think we're missing something.

Why do I get errors when running npm start?

The reasons might be:

We always recommend to check the Getting Started page if you're using the bot for the first time.

Why am I getting errors when starting the bot?

The reasons might be:

  • You have a syntax error in one of your configuration files (config.json or system.json). Double check your JSON syntax. Editors and IDEs like VS Code should highlight the errors if you have any.
  • You have set an option to an invalid value. In that case, check the error message for more information about which option received the invalid value.
  • You have an invalid value in one of the environment variables or in .env. For example, maybe you have a typo in your database URL. Double check all the credentials.

If none of these steps help, please be sure to let us know, by creating a GitHub issue.

How do I add emojis in the bot's responses?

Download the official SudoBot emojis and add them to your home server:
License information:

How can I add the official SudoBot to my own server?

To invite SudoBot to your own server, you need to first read the Terms of Service, then if you accept the Terms of Service, you can join the Discord Server or send a DM to Rakin on Discord.